Linking some dots...Extreme media, CNN reports: Russian government allegedly hacked into the White House computers. Stripping back the PR, the subtext reads - the hack didn't access any classified systems, it did, however:
'Gain access to sensitive information, including the private schedule of President Obama'.
If you read, CNN, Independent or Newsweek reports, you'll find they don't contain much details, but the one fact they do all raise is - the Obama private schedule.
Although, one additional interesting piece of information did appear in the right-wing Times Of Israel [you know the newspaper that called for a 'Gaza Genocide'], when it wrote, a comment by Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes [you know the same Ben Rhodes, who Shortly after 9/11, went from being an aspiring novelist to moving in 2002 from Queens to Washington, and quickly “helping draft the 9/11 Commission report as well as the Iraq Study Group report.”], that Ben Rhodes:
“In this case, as we made clear at the time, we took immediate measures to evaluate and mitigate the activity,” he said. “As has been our position, we are not going to comment on [this] article’s attribution to specific actors.”
National Security Council Spokesperson Mark
Stroh told AFP the CNN report was “speculating” on who was behind an
attack that affected the unclassified “Executive Office of the
President” network.
The Executive Office is made up of President Barack Obama’s closest advisers, including the National Security Council and Council of Economic Advisers, as well as the Vice President’s staff.
Officials said the Obama cyber-attacks were among the most advanced ever to hit the US government. According to experts- world’s most advanced hacking spyware is the 'Regin bug', which stole Russian, Saudi and EU state secrets for years. Researchers previously Found ‘Astonishing’ Malware Regin, Linked to NSA Spying - tellingly: no mention of Israeli links, despite:
The majority of the infected machines found by Kaspersky were in Iran. But the security firm has also found infected computers in Belgium, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories. According to Wired, the targets in the U.S. and the U.K. were all Islamic activists or scholars.
Interestingly, Obama Easter Speech has Upset Fox News' Megyn Kelly.
The point being she is talking about how Obama didn't refer to the Christian deaths in the Kenyan Garissa massacre, at a time when; Terror attack, threats of more violence raise security questions for Obama’s Kenya visit in July.
All things Mossad: Site Intelligence reports:
The attack on the northern Kenya university killed nearly 150 people and was followed by a warning from the Somalia-based terror group that Kenyan cities “will run red with blood,”The white House reports:
“We don't believe that this will impact the president’s travel there later this year,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters on Friday. “We feel very confident in the security precautions that will be in place when the president travels.”That might explain the numerous stories in the news for the past 12 to 24 months regarding lax security at the White House - Obama's security detail being drunk - having sex with prostitutes, etc.
Especially after Benjamin Netanyahu threatened Obama with a 'grassy knoll' - JFKfacts, or when Wayne Madsen confirmed a Stratfor leak: Assassination of Obama
In a March 19, 2010 e-mail, Burton wrote: "BB dislikes Obama immensely. After hosting Biden, the last thing he wants to do is kiss Obama's arse. From my lips to your ears." On November 10, 2009, Burton wrote again of Netanyahu's dislike for Obama: "From my lips to your ears. I would imagine that my good friend BB Netanyahu told Obama what the Sword of Gideon has in store for the Iranian menace. I also have it on good word that BB trusts Obama about as much as he trusted Arafat or Waddi [sic] Haddad."No Lies Radio, just broached this subject on a recent podcast:
Although, apparently, the Obama trip, will be safe:
"Kenya is safer than ever. If it wasn’t, Obama wouldn’t be coming," Kidero added, in reference to U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to his father's homeland later this month.
‘I.R.G., a private Israeli company, has been put in charge of running security in the re-opened mall. It has about 25 specialist staff and will use about 55 guards from security firm G4S (GFS.L), one I.R.G employee told Reuters inside Westgate’.
‘Alex Trachtenberg, an Israeli
businessman whom media reports have identified as Westgate’s owner’
‘Still, Westgate’s Israeli linkwas no secret’.
[JTA, 2013]
So, theoretically, if someone [ Netanyahu], wanted a certain someone dead: who would be in place to replace him- the vice president - Zionist Joe Biden
Wouldn't that be a turn up for the books...
Update, from the Zionist controlled, BBC:
I'm a new "supplementary" member of the "travel pool", a group of journalists who accompany Mr Obama on trips so they can report on what's euphemistically known as a "transformative moment" - for example, if the president gets shot.But, it is all okay, well according to Tara and the BBC, anyway:
The bubble provides safety, but it's confining. In a recent briefing he sounded wistful about an upcoming trip to Kenya, his father's homeland. He made it clear he'd rather go without security restrictions.....
More Updates on the Kenya trip, from Fox News of all places, yes that's Fox News; owned by the Zionist degenerate Rupert Murdoch - the Israeli Genie
'the State Department has issued a travel alert and warned that the summit on entrepreneurship Obama is attending is a likely terrorist target'.But, wait, it's gets worse...
'the national airline of Kenya, where President Obama will visit later this week, published the arrival and departure times of Air Force One'and, that's before we even discuss the Surface to Air Missiles:
Oh, well, let's wait and see, if this is - the One Last Interview
No, Obama, actually had time to be interviewed by the BBC:
Dead Man Walking?
The interview can be found here. Such varied careers at BBC. The interviewer, Jon Sopel, has had an interesting career, especially, being one of the first BBC, western journalists to report, on the illegal Iraq War. Previous interviews have consisted of other war criminals, like Tony Blair, Condoleezza Rice, David Cameron - so the guy, is deeply engrained from a very lowly perspective, in the machinery of journalistic PR Fascism.
The Kenya trip awaits. So does History.
Hate the Machine: Citizen Journalist and History Anarchist:
On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite.
We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth.
Letter to M. de Grenonville (1719).
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