
Saturday, 11 April 2015

Aleppo Codex: Sacred to Yahweh, DMT, CERN and Plant Intelligence

Dimenthyltryptamine [DMT]: the symbiotic journey to the spirit molecule.

Doors of perception - germinal for understanding: that you are I and I am you: the universe is us: Symbiosis occurs upon death.With that knowledge, together we as one: find peace, end wars and end famine - overnight.
When man, stands under its own ignorance: that evil at its root is not dark matter, but dark minds having access to dark matter: smashing perhaps the symbiosis of life itself - the germinal. First,

Pale Blue Dot: 

 Tesla explains it well.

The universe is more than 99.999% empty space. All physical things are made of atoms which are mostly empty space, including our own bodies:
Every physical thing has that much empty space in it. Inside that empty space is intelligence and frequency.
Terence McKenna wrote: 

  "The Vine of the
Dead," ayahuasca is renowned for giving healers supernatural
abilities such as the ability to speak with the dead, with animals, and with
plants; telepathic communication; curing physical, emotional, and spiritual
ailments of all kinds, including addiction; and finally divination.

Too Much DMT - Terence McKenna 

"There's a lot of bad ideas out there"

Court of the Pigna - Pine-cone at the Vatican:

Throughout the span of recorded human history, Pinecones have served as a symbolic representation of Human Enlightenment, the Third Eye and the Pineal Gland.
The tea, which contains the psychedelic drug

Aleppo Codex: Sacred to Yahweh.
The codex was In Aleppo, Syria, safeguarded for six centuries. At the tops of some of the pages, the Aleppo elders inscribed a warning to would-be thieves: 

The Aleppo Codex, the oldest, most complete, most accurate text of the Hebrew Bible, 
in its vault at the Israel Museum.

So how exactly, did a sixth century manuscript from Aleppo, end up in Israel? 
'The rabbis in Aleppo did not enlist Faham to deliver the codex to the president or his institute, but rather to the chief rabbi of the Aleppo Jews. What the rabbis never suspected was that Israeli agents from the Mossad and the Jewish Agency (which was in charge of the Jewish diaspora and of immigration to Israel) had been in touch with Faham and that he would receive special treatment upon immigration to Israel'.
  Quantum physics proves that there is an afterlife.

Biocentrism is classed as the Theory of Everything: by looking at the universe through this prism - we see space and time are 'simply tools of our mind.' Bottom line: What you see could not be present without your consciousness.


Eye to (Third) Eye; Scientists Are Taking Advantage of Unexpected Similarities between the Eye's Retina and the Brain's Pineal Gland:

'the pineal gland was the evolutionary precursor to the modern eye'. 

 CERN: Dark Minds and Dark Matter

The machine elf's once told me: delete the elite - before they delete us - beware the cult of celebrity: it's a threat to our humanity.  

CERN: Dark Minds and Dark Matter - the European Organization for Nuclear Research located in Geneva, Switzerland.

 CERN Logo

The main iconographical attributes of Shiva are the third eye on his forehead

Shiva outside CERN

Dark matter, dark energy: ESA and CERN set to unravel mysteries of the cosmos:

 Strange shapes in the sky: symmetry at CERN.

If Dr Strangelove did Plutocrats and tyrants: reality is dark. 

Darkest Side of #CERN 

Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone'. Published on Aug 7, 2015.
'The Hadron Collider, time travel, and the energetic war that is raging across the galaxy and affecting life as we know it is discussed with galactic historian Andrew Bartzis.
Sacred geometry used by the government to keep people in a manipulated state of disorder...the nature of energy and human existence and how it is being tampered with by alien forces.

The misunderstanding of the “God Particle,”....well let's see Sean Stone.

The Economist, owned by 'The "A" special shares are held by individual shareholders including the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder and other family interests' is now taking an interest in the Multiverse.



Citizen Journalist and History Anarchist: #AntiZionist #FreePalestine #AntiWar #BanTheBomb #EndDebt

'On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite'. [We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth]. Letter to M. de Grenonville (1719).



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