Some information on Charlie Hebdo shooting, Paris.
[Newest near top]
Deputy Director of the Regional Judicial Police Service (SRPJ), Helric Fredou, who had been working on the Charlie Hebdo case - commits Suicide.
The Fredou Commissioner [Helric Fredou], like all agents SRPJ worked yesterday on the case of the massacre at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo. In particular, he surveyed the family of one of the victims. He killed himself before completing its report.
Gunman at Kosher Store Worked for Coca-Cola, Met Sarkozy
Amedy Coulibaly, the gunman suspected of killing a policewoman and taking hostages at a kosher supermarket, used to work at Coca-Cola Enterprise and was received at the Elysee Palace in 2009 by then-President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Charlie Hebdo: Listen to extraordinary moment terrorists speak to TV journalist during terrifying hostage siege
Kouachi: “We are just telling you we are the defenders of the prophet and that I Chérif Kouachi have been sent by Al Qaida of Yemen and that I went over there and that Anwar Al Awaki financed me.
Journalist: "And that was how long ago, approximately?"
Kouachi: "Er.. it was a while ago, before he was killed."
At 3pm the TV station received a call from Amedy Coulibaly who was holding people hostage at the Paris grocery store.
Journalist: "Are you linked with the two brothers who did the shooting at Charlie Hebdo?
Amedy: "We synchronised to do the operations."
Journalist: "Are you still in contact with them? Have you spoken on the phone to them? "
Amedy: "No"
Journalist: "How did you synchronise? Do you have other events planned? Do you have a scenario that you are following? "
Amedy: "No, we just decided at the start, so they did Charlie Hebdo and I took care of police officers."
Charlie Hebdo: Both Kouachi Brothers Dead
A security official says the two brothers suspected in the Charlie Hebdo massacre came out firing, prompting the assault on the building where they had holed up with a hostage. The official was not authorized to speak about the sensitive operations and spoke on condition of anonymity. Officials say the brothers died in the assault.
Another official, police union representative Christophe Crepin, said it appeared that the gunman who took hostages at a kosher market had also died in a nearly simultaneous raid there. Crepin spoke to LCI televison. (AP)
How Much Did The US Know: Classified Database 'Tide'
The intercept highlights how successful the database has been:
“If everything is terrorism, then nothing is terrorism,” says David Gomez, a former senior FBI special agent. The watchlisting system, he adds, is “revving out of control.”
False Flag Charlie: Sky News “You can see the blood on the ground, which has been put there”
FRANCE 24: Charlie Hebdo Directors Cut
Biggest manhunt in French history.
Haaretz reporting:
U.S. government sources said Said Kouachi and his brother Cherif Kouachi were listed in two U.S. security databases, a highly classified database containing information on 1.2 million possible counter-terrorism suspects, called TIDE.
11:20 A.M. Paris prosecutor's office denies report that one person killed in shootout in Dammartin-en-Goele. (Reuters)
11:11 A.M. Said Kouachi visited Yemen in 2011 for religious studies, according to a senior Yemeni intelligence source.
While in Yemen, he met with late Al-Qaida preacher Anwar Al Alwaqi. (Reuters)
Anwar al-Awlaki, Imam, Falls Church, Virginia (2001–02), al-Awlaki spoke with and preached to three of the Nine Eleven hijackers.
Barack Obama placed al-Awlaki on a list of people whom the U.S. CIA were authorised to kill, April 2010.
al-Awlaki, was the first U.S citizen to be killed in drone strike - His son Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was the second.After 9/11, the Pentagon invited al-Awlaki for lunch, as part of an "Outreach" program:
Awlaki was apparently interviewed at least four times by the FBI in the week after the September 11 attacks because of his links to the three hijackers.
The Kouachi brothers - Cherif (L) and Said (R)
Whilst in Syria.
LATEST: International Business times - Mossad Link
MI5 seem to be taking some kind of indirect credit for the shootings - Telegraph inadvertently breaks:
Cherif Kouachi, 32, is a disciple of al-Qaeda lynchpin Djamel Beghal, who allegedly recruited the shoe bomber Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui, the “20th hijacker” in the 9/11 attacks, at the north London mosque.
A former MI5 informant who worked undercover at Finsbury Park Mosque described the Paris shootings as “the legacy of Abu Hamza”.
Hamza will be sentenced on Friday in New York after being convicted last year of 11 charges of instigating terrorist acts.
but more so, for the facts they don't reveal. See, Hamza was likely secretly working for MI5, as hinte upon by various sources:
Hamza's lawyer, indicated he was consulted on the arrests of two suspects [one dead - other just received 25 year sentence - father of "Jihadi John"] in the 1998 US embassy bombings.The fact that Hamza was able to preach publicly in Britain for so long before he was apprehended fuelled rumours that he was in some way being protected by the police or security services, but there was never any confirmation of this.
The defence lawyer wanted to bring these dealings to the British courts attention, but was prevented, by the Judges:
The judge later sided with the prosecution and ruled that Hamza could not testify about dealings with British intelligence.Another worthy article highlighting MI5/6 collusion with supposed terrorists is Abu Qatada: The Asset We Can't Get Rid of, by Nafeez Ahmed.
Whenever you look over the official narrative of the Paris shootings, being spoon fed to the social media and 24 hour rolling news, you find conflicting accounts, one after the other, One moment; the brothers are trained killers:
Footage and intelligence from this morning's Charlie Hebdo shooting indicates that the attackers were "well trained" killers, a terror expert has said.
The next, these Professional killers, go and leave an ID card behind - for the police to immediately find at the scene:
Said and Kouachi Cherif, aged 32 and 34 years respectively, were confused by the identity card found by investigators in the Citroën C3 abandoned in their flight near the Porte de Pantin.
On the streets of Reims.
Strange situation in #Reims. French TV shows police anti terror operation, but public still walking around area.
— Richard Gaisford (@richardgaisford) January 7, 2015
Youngest of 3 suspects in Paris attack surrenders to police: source
"Hamyd Mourad handed himself in to police... on Wednesday at 11:00 pm (2200 GMT) after seeing his name circulating on social media," the source told AFP. "He has been arrested and taken into custody," another source confirmed. [likely innocent - Now is innocent]
Doctor Gérald Kierzec, 40, who went inside the magazines premises told the Daily Telegraph:
“There was a first body lying in the lobby. Then I took the stairs which were covered in blood. When I got to the second floor, there were bodies lying one on top of another.“It was carnage, with war wounds. There was blood everywhere. I have never seen anything like it in my career.”
Guardian, reported:
• Witnesses reported seeing masked men shouting “Allahu Akbar” [Anti Islam Narrative building] carrying Kalashnikovs [Russian Weapons - Narrative Building] going into the magazine’s offices and then hearing heavy gunfire.
All the media outlets are reporting similar phrases: all expressly indicate Islamic terrorism, whilst you are also witnessing an implied Russian agenda, by the overuse of the word; Kalashnikov.
One of the officers killed is Ahmed Merabet.
"While one kept watch and checked that the traffic was good for them, the other one delivered the final coup de grace,'' he said, referring to the moment one of the gunmen shot dead an injured police officer at point-blank range.
The following is the video of that officers death. I apologise if this offends anyone. I believe that this particular incident has been staged.
In the office deaths inside:
"There was blood everywhere. I have never seen anything like it in my career.”
In the officers death Outside:
There is No blood.
I made a new video which shows clearly that there was no
coup de grace. However, after 300 views, youtube has taken down the video: censorship after receiving a complaint and have issued me with a 6 months warning.
The reason I uploaded it to youtube, was not to shock, be sensational, or disrespectful, although if the state has just committed false flag terrorism - similar to NATO Gladio terrorism - then I guess it could be sensational.
So here is the video uploaded to Blogger, instead.
Still No sign of blood.
The Daily Caller, reports the police officer is 42-year-old Muslim policeman, Ahmed Merabet.
The writer of the article, Ivan Plis refers to himself as:
Young DC professional with experience working in Congress, think-tanks, NGOsIvan Plis is further a fellow, Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission: you know the one that sold the first Gulf war with a fairytale about "Incubator Babies".
The weapons used were Kalashnikovs [Russian Weapons].
The Kalashnikov takes a 7.62×39mm round.
A further scale diagram highlights the different diameters of rounds.
JFK was assassinated, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. The bullet used was a
6.5 MM. Mannlicher-Carcano Cartridge:
The following film is the JFK Zapruder Film: the day U.S. suffered a coup d'etat.
Now, I suggest you go back and watch the first video from today's police shooting at Charlie Hebdo. Does it appear real now?
Also, how long does it normally take during a live shooter - terrorist incident - to get the number of dead, names, etc given out for media dissemination? Seems at odds with these type of tragic incidents.
Conveniently, the gunmen followed the false narrative the CIA/FBI, MI5/6 and Mossad have been sculpting in the public consciousness, for nigh on two | three decades now.
"We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad", witnesses say.The Guardian reports:
One of the attackers told an eyewitness to “tell the media that we are from Al-Qaida in the Yemen”.
Charlie Hebdo offices were guarded and protection increased in recent weeks because of fresh threats against the magazine.Voltaire: On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite. We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth.
Some recent images from the magazine.
"No attacks in France yet; wait! There's until end of Jan to wish Happy New Year"
For the end of year, a caricature of "caliph" of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi wishing good year to its "readers," was released by the newspaper on social networks.Love is stronger than hate
Meilleurs vœux, au fait.
— Charlie Hebdo (@Charlie_Hebdo_) January 7, 2015
There's been speculation on whether the attack was related in some way to the image. In fact, the cartoon doesn't appear to have been used before by the magazine, but it also seems to be continuation on a theme. This week's printed edition included a comic with the headline: "There haven't been any attacks in France" but a character wearing a turban with a Kalashnikov rifle strapped to his back saying: "Wait - we still have until the end of January to extend our wishes." In France, it's traditional to offer New Year's greetings until the end of January.The relationship between Judaism and Nazism in relation to Ukraine.

In 2009, one of the satirists, Maurice Sinet, who worked under the pen name Sine, faced charges for "inciting racial hatred" for a column he wrote for Charlie Hebdo.
As The Telegraph reported:
The piece sparked a summer slanging match among the Parisian intelligentsia and ended in his dismissal from the magazine.
Voltaire provides some background on Charlie Hebdo:
Charlie Hebdo was Voltaire Network Administrator before withdrawing in 1997 disagreed with the association. The newspaper campaigned for the ban of the National Front, while Voltaire Network defended the FN association law while campaigning for the prohibition of its armed wing, the DPS.
Thereafter, the relationship between the two groups hardened Charlie Hebdo attributed the attacks of September 11 Al-Qaeda and launched into a violent anti-Islamic campaign.
Instead, the Voltaire Network showed the impossibility of the official version and accused a faction of the US military-industrial lobby.
Finally, in 2007, the director of Charlie Hebdo was close to President Nicolas Sarkozy, while it gave instructions to remove the chairman of Voltaire Network, which went into exile.
On the same day, as the Paris attack, Yemen, faced further terrorist bloodhsed:
At least 37 people were killed and 66 others injured by a bomb blast outside a police academy in Yemen's capital, Sanaa.An Israeli, 24-hour news and current affairs television channel based in Tel Aviv, Israel, reports:
4:02 p.m. - i24news INFO: both Franco-Algerian terrorists would come back and Jihad in Syria
Not sure what to make of the following. Earlier today, I typed "Charlie Hebdo Ownership" into Google, and whilst looking at page two or three of the results - the Raw Story page stuck out.
Raw Story Google page.
A website Lunatic Post appears to have created a thread in advance of the incident. I'm not entirely sure who they are - but on doing a few Google searches< I got the inclination they are a governent shill website.
The Cache only captured at 11.52AM GMT.
In an AP interview from 2008:
"I really believed in the idea," said one of his students, defendant Cherif Kouachi, 25. He said he was motivated by his outrage at television images of torture of Iraqi inmates at the U.S. prison at Abu Ghraib.
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