
Sunday, 27 January 2019

Venezuela - Corporate Fascist Coup d'etat

Venezuela - Corporate Fascist Coup d'etat

Definition of coup d'état

: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics especially : the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group




Word for Word: Excange between Rep. Ilhan Omar and War Criminal Iran Contra Elliott Abrams (C-SPAN)  





With Flowing, the Push to Pry Generals From -- Speaking in a hauntingly calm tone, colonel confessed to -- trying to overthrow Maduro. granted him free exit and entry; met with him. ( 2,0)




Corporate Fascist Guaido says he's working to restore ties with Apartheid Israel





Anti-Maduro coalition grew from secret talks


In mid-December, Guaido quietly traveled to Washington, Colombia and Brazil to brief officials on the opposition’s strategy of mass demonstrations to coincide with Maduro’s expected swearing-in for a second term on Jan. 10.



The Dirty Hand of the National Endowment for Democracy in Venezuela



Venezuela Accuses U.S. of Secretly Shipping Arms After Weapons Found on Plane with Possible CIA Ties


Anti-government protests in Venezuela that seek regime change have been led by several individuals and organizations with close ties to the US government.


Fuck the Bank of England 

 The Bank of England’s decision to deny Maduro officials’ withdrawal request comes after top U.S. officials, including Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton, lobbied their U.K. counterparts to help cut off the regime from its overseas assets, according to one of the people, who asked not to be identified.

Now a Fascist UK foreign office minister Sir Alan Duncan has suggested the Bank of England grant access to £1.2bn in Venezuelan gold reserves to the self-proclaimed interim leader Juan Guaidó rather than Nicolás Maduro.

Look to the recent...

What about the global debt facade for Neocolonial profits

Think about it

IRAN CONTRA for Democracy? more Plutocracy

The EU is Debt ridden and France has genuine Revolution

but then,

European leaders give Venezuela's Maduro eight days to hold new elections

Then you have; this little shit Maher subverting Democracy for $ Neoliberal corporate coup profits using Monroe Doctrine

What a fucking prick

Peace and Love. Venezuela stand with Maduro





Saturday, 12 January 2019

A Deadly Virus: The Royals, Racists and Apartheid Israel

A Nazi Racist is ill.


 A dealy virus: the Royal family 






History lesson 

Surely this country gave a warm welcome in the past to refugees - such as those escaping the Nazis? Not so.

According to Whitehall And The Jews, 1933-1948 (Cambridge University Press), Louise London’s definitive account of British immigration policy and the Holocaust, “The process...was designed to keep out large numbers of European Jews - perhaps 10 times as many as it let in.” Around 70,000 had been admitted by the outbreak of the war, but British Jewish associations had some half a million more case files of those who had not.

Although British immigration policy was liberalised after Kristallnacht - the pogrom launched by Goebbels in November 1938, in which dozens of Jews were killed and more than 1,000 synagogues burned down - London challenges the idea that prewar Britain was a haven for those fleeing Nazi brutality. “The myth was born that Britain did all it could for the Jews between 1933 and 1945. This comfortable view has proved remarkably durable, and is still adduced to support claims that Britain has always admitted genuine refugees, and that the latest harsh measures against asylum seekers are merely designed to exclude bogus applicants. .

What’s more, those that were granted entry were admitted only because the Jewish community guaranteed that it would bear all the expenses of accommodation and maintenance, with no burden placed on the public purse.

Elsewhere, Canada accommodated only 5,000 European Jews between 1933 and 1945, Australia 10,000, South Africa some 6,000. And the US’s unyielding quota system meant that, between 1933 and 1937, only 33,000 German Jews were admitted (and only 124,000 between 1938 and 1941).

Astonishingly, Britain’s postwar record isn’t much better. 

Although the immediate aftermath of the second world war saw the arrival of a large number of refugees, very few were Jewish Holocaust survivors. British postwar immigration policy deliberately excluded Jews.

Contemporary rewrite by Neonazi Fascist Brexiteer...He brands himself Danny Tommo in online videos and claims to be “reporting” on the yellow vests.

Danny Thomas, who is bodyguard to political agitator Tommy Robinson, was given two years after three thugs tried to snatch a man at knifepoint.

The gang mistakenly believed their victim had stolen drugs worth £10,000.

Thomas has risen to prominence on the far right since being released from prison last year.
He has appeared gloating at the side of English Defence League founder Robinson, 36, Thomas has also appeared with Mr Batten and travelled to Germany to campaign with anti-Islamic group Pegida.

“I’ve got no problem with legal immigration if we are helping people from war torn countries, like we did with the Jews in World War Two.

Danny Tommo, just like English Defence League founder Tommy (Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon) Robinson, and neo-fascist, xenophobic, racist scum.

They all have one thing in common - support for Apartheid Israel. 


Tommy’s time in Israel confirmed to him... 

But then the BBC are part of the problem: Islamophobic

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Donald Trump: Xenophobic Fascist and the USA Coup De Grâce


Donald Trump: Xenophobic Fascist and the USA Coup De Grâce

Hail, Caesar! or Donald Trump Xenophobic Fascist

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee 'founded student group called Fascism Forever Club'

Donald Trump, the American Fascist

Donald Trump and his Hitler cues - How GOP Leader Is Following Führer's Recipe

Father of Fascism Studies: Donald Trump Shows Alarming Willingness to Use Fascist Terms & Styles

Oliver Stone's Untold History of the U.S.

Project for the New American Century

Donald Trump's business links to the mob

Trump Campaign Picks Nazi as Delegate, Drops Him After Backlash

Carl Bernstein: Donald Trump is a ‘pathological liar’ and America’s first ‘neofascist’ nominee

Struggling on: Zapatistas 20 years after the uprising

RATM - Zapata's Blood
It goes, everything for everyone...and nothing for ourselves.
Everything for everyone, and nothing for ourselves.

Racist Donald Trump: US should should consider more racial profiling in law enforcement...

When Bankers Plotted To Overthrow FDR

9/11 Hijackers Trained At U.S. Bases
www.madcowprod.comAir Force Base 

9 Nazi Scientists Who Helped Build American Space Program - Wernher von Braun was member of SS.

15 Most Powerful Members Of 'Skull And Bones'

BRIEF HISTORY OF Skull & Bones Society,8599,1881172,00.html

Project Paperclip: Dark side of the Moon - Sixty years ago the US hired Nazi scientists to lead pioneering project

Emma Lazarus - The New Colossus
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

Trump's obsession with WW2 generals strikes sour note with historians

Pope, 'The Donald' and the wall between them

Trump almost got it right: Some people were arrested for celebrating 9/11 — but they were Israeli

Trump says reason for not disavowing KKK was his fear of offending Jews. ADL calls remarks "obscene."

Comedian swaps Donald Trump's policies with Hitler's - and supporters still agree with them

Donald Trump Defends Torture at Republican Debate

“Don’t tell me it doesn’t work — torture works,” “Okay, folks? Torture — you know, half these guys [say]: ‘Torture doesn’t work.’ Believe me, it works. Okay?”

Playback: Trump, Mussolini and the KKK

IBM 'dealt directly with Holocaust organisers'

US drone strikes could be classed as war crimes

Citizen Journalist and History Anarchist: #Satyagraha #AntiZionist #FreePalestine #AntiWar #BanTheBomb #EndDebt #NoBorders

'On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite'. [We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth]. Letter to M. de Grenonville (1719).
Workers of the world, Unite #Worldstrike