Think about it - the right-wing, neocons who were in the pockets of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the corporate colonialists started illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Syria. That's where terrorism has spread from...the lies and war crimes following a false flag attack on 9/11...was the extension of the NATO Operation Gladio, Operation Northwoods type tragedy - ideal for the fascist mantra of clash of civilizations.
Trump almost got it right: Some people were arrested for celebrating 9/11 — but they were Israeli
The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11
Trump Doesn't Care If Torture Doesn't Work: "They Deserve It Anyway"
9-11/Israel did it
Israeli students tell U.S. politician Israel did 9/11
The Science and Politics of 9/11: The Toronto Hearings - 'The Who and the Why' Although the indications of Israeli involvement in 9/11 are abundant and compelling, ranging from the transfer of ownership of the World Trade Center to private hands, Israeli company, Kroll Associates, the airport security at the 9/11 airports by another Israeli firm, ICTS, which was also in charge when the “shoe bomber”, Richard Reid, was allowed to board “the Dancing Israelis”, Urban Moving Systems, the Odigo messaging service (which sent warnings in advance of the attacks), the 200 Israeli “art students”, the list of hijackers provided to the FBI by the Mossad...
9 11 Conspiracy Solved Names, Connections, Details ...
Or watch lies and Islamophobic propaganda by Fasci Jones and Trump - Full Interview
The propaganda starts with the title...Trump praises 9/11 truther's 'amazing' reputation
Trump gets worse and worse : Don't Just Kill ISIS... Kill Their Whole Families
CNN goes there on Trump’s campaign: ‘Adolph Hitler, when he first rose to power, was elected’
Meet Donald Trump’s Islamophobia Expert: Mad Neo-Conservative Frank Gaffney - now one of America’s most notorious Islamophobes.
and that is the power of a false narrative that has led to countless false wars and millions of deaths - the power of the false 9/11 narrative espoused by the MSM, Politicians, Plutocrats and Fake Alt/ News sites like Infowars, which leaves a race between Bush [Nazi family linage] and Trump [ Hitler at his bedside]...that is the price the whole world will face - devastation, destruction and the loss of any legitimacy for democracy: the rule by the people - that will be gone forever...never to exist again, instead the fasci oligarchy of debt usury will lead the charge for nuclear assured destruction to all but them responsible - the Neocons - the Neoliberals - all false prophets for war profits, warmongers and demagogues of clash-of-civilization genocide merchants.
Finally to conclude matters...
Donald Trump: Zionist by Day Nazi by Night.
From Camp Bucca with Love: Trump says Clinton and Obama created ISIS
Citizen Journalist and History Anarchist: #Satyagraha #AntiZionist #FreePalestine #AntiWar #BanTheBomb #EndDebt #NoBorders
'On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite'. [We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth]. Letter to M. de Grenonville (1719).
Workers of the world, Unite #Worldstrike