Former President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych is grieving, following the death of his son, Viktor Jr, 33. As the BBC describes him:
'Known for his passion for extreme driving'.
say he had been taking part in a sporting event when the VW van plunged
into the water - five others escaped. Saturday's incident [21st March 2015], is also the
latest in a series of deaths in traffic accidents involving the former
president or his team.
This is the Seventh death that has been linked with the old Ukraine
government - in seven weeks -- all ex-Ukrainian politicians, high ranking police and
associates linked with the former President.
Viktor Yanukovych Jr, 33.
Oleksandr Peklushenko, Former regional governor,
found dead in Ukraine earlier this month in what authorities said "appeared to be a suicide".
Stanislav Melnyk, 53, an ex-MP was found shot dead in his bathroom on 9 March.
Mykhaylo Chechetov, died
Feb 28 -- ex-deputy
chairman of the Party of Regions faction in Ukraine's parliament,
died after jumping or falling out of the window of his 17th-story apartment.
Serhiy Walter, 57, Feb 25 -- Former mayor of Melitopol, reportedly hanged himself.
Oleksandr Bordyuh, 47,
Feb 26 -- One day later, according to news reports, body
of deputy chief of Melitopol police, found in garage.
Oleksiy Kolesnyk, 64, Jan 29 -- former head of the Kharkiv regional government, died after apparently hanging himself. Kolesnyk, 64, did not leave a suicide note.
[History anarchism].
On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite.
We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth.
Letter to M. de Grenonville (1719).